Why Hotels Should Embrace Google Consent Mode and How to Get Started

Privacy and data insights in harmony. We explain how Google Consent Mode has transformed data privacy for hotels and what steps to take to start putting it into action

As an advisory group that's spent years consulting hotels on their digital strategy, we understand that balancing the needs of privacy compliance while gathering meaningful insights can feel like a real juggling act. Especially with GDPR and other privacy laws changing the way we collect and manage data, it's more important than ever to be careful with how we handle guest information. This is where Google Consent Mode comes in, and it’s a game changer—whether you’re actively advertising or simply monitoring how guests interact with your site.

Allow us to explain why we believe Google Consent Mode is something every hotel should use and why it’s not just about advertising—it’s about being a smart, respectful, privacy-conscious business in today’s world.

1. Privacy Compliance: The Foundation of a Trustworthy Hotel

If there’s one thing we’ve learned in hospitality, it’s that trust is everything. When a guest stays at your property, they trust you not just with their comfort, but with their personal information. Google Consent Mode allows us, as hoteliers, to ensure we’re honoring that trust by respecting guest privacy preferences, while still collecting essential data.

By adapting how Google tags behave based on whether or not a guest consents to cookies, you’re aligning your hotel with critical privacy laws. This means no personal data gets collected without the guest’s explicit permission, which is exactly how it should be. And let's face it—guests are paying more attention to privacy now than ever before. Ensuring that you’re upfront and compliant will make your property stand out as a brand that’s transparent and trustworthy.

2. Keep Analytics Running Smoothly Even Without Consent

Here’s something you might not know: even when a guest declines tracking cookies, you’re not completely in the dark. With Google Consent Mode, your website can still collect aggregated, anonymous data. This means that tools like Google Analytics can continue to give you insights into traffic patterns, so you’ll know how many visitors you’re getting, what pages they’re looking at, and how long they’re staying.

For a hotel, this is invaluable. It gives you the ability to fine-tune your website and operations based on real data, even when individual tracking is turned off. Whether you’re managing direct bookings, measuring engagement, or analyzing popular amenities, this data helps you make informed decisions. No guesswork needed.

3. Advertising? No Problem. Optimize It with or Without Consent

Now, if you’re actively running Google Ads or other paid campaigns, Google Consent Mode is an absolute must. When guests give consent, your campaigns run like clockwork—tracking conversions, optimizing bids, and targeting those guests who are most likely to book a stay. That’s the ideal scenario.

But even when guests don’t give consent, Google Consent Mode collects performance data in an aggregated form, so you can still get an understanding of how well your campaigns are performing overall. This keeps your marketing efforts on track while respecting guest privacy.

4. Control at Your Fingertips: Customize Data Collection

One of the things we appreciate most about Google Consent Mode is how it lets us control what’s collected and when. You can customize the way Google services like Ads, Analytics, or Floodlight behave based on the individual consent preferences of each user.

Imagine you have a mix of guests—some are happy to be tracked for personalized offers, while others prefer to remain anonymous. With Google Consent Mode, you can ensure both groups are treated according to their preferences. You’ll be compliant and respectful, while still making sure your marketing and data analysis tools are working effectively. It’s the kind of precision control that modern hotels need.

5. Getting the Full Picture with Modeled Data

Now, let’s talk about one of the most impressive features: data modeling. Even when guests opt out of tracking, Google can use anonymous data to model behavior, giving you insights into how your site and campaigns are performing. This is especially helpful when you’re trying to get a full picture of your bookings, site traffic, or conversion rates, without needing personal data from every single visitor.

For a hotel, this means you’re not missing out on key insights. You’ll still know which marketing channels are driving bookings or which pages on your site are most popular, even when some data isn’t directly available. This type of insight helps with everything from revenue management to marketing strategies and guest experience improvements.

6. Ethical Data Use: Build Long-Lasting Guest Loyalty

And here’s the real heart of it—how we use guest data says a lot about who we are as a business. Ethical data use isn't just a trend; it’s a necessity for any hotel that wants to build long-term loyalty. By putting guests in control of their data preferences and using that information responsibly, we’re showing that we value their privacy.

This is something we’ve seen resonate deeply with guests, especially repeat visitors who want to know their data is safe with you. When a guest trusts you to handle their information with care, it not only strengthens your relationship with them, but also increases the likelihood they’ll return to your property or recommend you to others. At the end of the day, that’s the kind of loyalty money can’t buy.

Why It’s Important Even If You’re Not Running Ads

Now, if you’re thinking, "Well, I’m not doing paid advertising, so why does this matter to me?"—we get it. But Google Consent Mode is just as valuable if your focus is organic traffic and website analytics. Privacy laws apply across the board, and even if you’re only using tools like Google Analytics to monitor visitor behavior, you still need to comply. The insights you gain from anonymous traffic data will help you optimize your website, improve the guest experience, and, ultimately, increase bookings.

How to Set Up Google Consent Mode for Your Hotel

Now that you understand why Google Consent Mode is so important for your hotel, you might be wondering how to actually set it up. While it’s a powerful tool, implementing it requires collaboration between a few key departments and, in some cases, external vendors.

To get started, you’ll first need to ensure that your website is using Google Tag Manager (GTM). Google Consent Mode works by modifying how tags behave based on user consent preferences, so GTM is the easiest way to manage these tags across your website. If you’re not already using GTM, this would be a good time to talk to your IT department or web development team. They will need to ensure your website is set up with the appropriate tracking codes and that GTM is correctly implemented.

Next, you’ll need to install a Consent Management Platform (CMP). This is the tool that allows users to choose what type of tracking they consent to when they visit your site. There are many CMP providers out there (such as OneTrust or Cookiebot), and your legal or compliance team should be involved in selecting one that fits your hotel’s privacy policy. CMPs integrate with Google Consent Mode, ensuring that the preferences a user selects are communicated to Google’s tags, adjusting how data is collected accordingly.

If you’re working with a digital marketing agency or vendor, they should also be looped in. These teams are likely managing your Google Ads or Analytics, and they’ll be key in configuring Consent Mode within these tools. They’ll work with the CMP to ensure that the proper data flows into Google Analytics, even if a user declines consent for full tracking. It’s also important for them to adjust your ad targeting and conversion tracking strategies to comply with privacy rules.

Finally, this process involves close coordination with your data privacy officer or whoever manages GDPR and other privacy regulations within your hotel group. They’ll be responsible for ensuring that Google Consent Mode is set up in line with legal requirements, and they’ll help monitor compliance once the system is up and running.

Key Departments and Vendors Involved in the Setup

IT Department / Web Development Team: Responsible for implementing Google Tag Manager and ensuring tags are correctly placed on the hotel’s website.

Legal / Compliance Team: Involved in choosing the right Consent Management Platform and ensuring that the hotel’s data collection practices are compliant with laws such as GDPR.

Marketing Team / Digital Marketing Vendor: Works on configuring Consent Mode within Google Ads and Analytics, ensuring that the hotel’s marketing efforts remain optimized without breaching privacy.

Data Privacy Officer: Ensures that all aspects of Google Consent Mode comply with legal requirements and continues to monitor the hotel’s privacy practices.

By collaborating across these teams and potentially with third-party vendors, you’ll be able to set up Google Consent Mode smoothly. This ensures not only compliance but also continued access to valuable data insights, helping your hotel make informed decisions that drive performance while respecting guest privacy.

From privacy compliance to guest loyalty, Google Consent Mode is more than just a tech solution—it’s a smart, responsible way to manage data in today’s hospitality landscape. It ensures that your hotel is collecting the information you need to make data-driven decisions while respecting the preferences and privacy of your guests.

Whether you’re running paid ads or not, we strongly recommend embracing Google Consent Mode. It’s not just about compliance—it’s about building trust, maintaining performance, and keeping your hotel ahead of the curve in an increasingly privacy-conscious world. To learn more about how Premiere Advisory Group can help your hotel stay at the forefront of digital marketing, click here to contact us or visit our other posts to learn more.

Première Advisory Group is a trusted commercial strategy advisory group for the hospitality industry. We help independent and boutique hotels around the globe drive profitability through a unique approach that combines experts in Distribution & Sales, Revenue Management, Digital  Marketing, and Hotel Technology, so they can maximize revenue and increase market share. With offices located in New York and Paris, Première Advisory Group supports over 125 independent and boutique hotels across the globe and was awarded Top Revenue Management Company by Travel and Hospitality Tech Outlook.

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